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Thinking about Generous Thinking

Everyone is talking about Kathleen Fitzpatrick’s new book Generous Thinking: A Radical Approach to Saving the University . Mark Largent, our Interim APUE & Dean of Undergraduate Studies, just blogged about it here . Fitzpatrick gave a keynote about generous thinking at the #ITeachMSU Spring Conference on Student Learning and Success . And it’s the next pick for the Hub’s monthly book club . I haven’t read the whole book yet, but the ideas are so exciting that this is a book pre-report, as one of my favorite colleagues Bre Yaklin remarked last week. I first learned about Generous Thinking at the Envisioning the Future of Academic Work at MSU  workshop in April, where Fitzpatrick led a breakout session called “Generous vs. Competitive Thinking in the Academic Environment.” Anyone who knows me knows I’m the opposite of competitive, so this title jumped out of the schedule for me. In essence, thinking generously means rescuing academia from paths that seem to relentlessly i...
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“That’s the beauty of the blog. It’s process. It’s on the way”: Blogging Wisdom from Dean Chris Long

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Ross Geller is a terrible palaeontologist.

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How to hold a baby-friendly conference

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How to attend a conference with a baby

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