Here is a playlist of clips I showed in a guest lecture for Megan Halpern's Intro to History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Science course at Michigan State. I used clips from wildlife films, trailers, behind-the-scenes features, and the CBC Fifth Estate documentary Cruel Camera. The most popular clip was the viral sensation Iguana vs Snakes from Planet Earth II (2016). Enjoy!
Preamble: the title of this post officially "gives it away": I'm ABD with a B-A-B-Y. Most everyone I interact with professionally knows this, and I wasn't keeping it secret from the internet , but there's still a disadvantage to being a mother in academia , and many hesitate to talk about being parents publicly. I think that's unreasonable, and I hope that this and similar posts can be helpful to other academic parents facing similar issues. Last week my family attended HSS / PSA in windy Chicago, and it was a great example of a conference that took families with babies into consideration. My next post will be about the good choices those conference organizers made, but this one is directed towards the parent(s) conferencing with a baby in tow (note: some of these tips may not apply to multiple/older children or other types of dependent care, areas in which I'm not experienced). 1. Be baby-travel savvy. There are plenty of usefu...
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