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Philopolis Guelph Call for Activities

I'm part of the organizing team for Philopolis Guelph, a philosophy conference that engages with everyday topics and includes the whole community, not just the academics. Here is the call for activities!

Daily life is full of interesting philosophical issues (How ethical are my eating practices? Why do I believe what I believe? What does it mean to be sexed or gendered?). However, academic philosophers these days could be doing a better job of engaging in dialogue with members of the broader public, including researchers in other academic fields, who are also interested in these questions. Philopolis is an event that aims to facilitate just such an exchange through panel discussions, workshops, and activities of many kinds. Philopolis welcomes and actively encourages the curious of mind from all backgrounds to take part, drawing on this diversity to enrich the whole. The event is generously supported by the University of Guelph, and offers free admission as well as light snacks and drinks throughout the weekend.

The Philopolis conference series will come to Guelph for the first time March 2-4, 2012. We're anticipating about 60 activities throughout the course of the weekend, all taking place at the University of Guelph. If you would be interested in presenting an activity, please fill out this form (submission deadline is January 6th, 2012). We are also looking for volunteers to help run the event, so if you'd be interested in lending a hand, please fill out this form. More information can be found on our website and our Facebook page. The schedule of Philopolis Montreal 2011 can be found online, if you'd like to see what the event has looked like in the past. And of course you can get in touch with us via email if you have any questions or suggestions:


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